About Us
Coffee: for filter or espresso
Perfection -
Since 2014, A Sargento Martinho has done more than refine an old
tradition: we have started a new one. Guided by a new international wave, we fuse ancient coffee roasting techniques with modern technology and knowledge to create unique flavors and aromas. A Sargento Martinho does everything in small batches in a micro roaster in Lisbon. To achieve the best flavour and experience, our coffees should be consumed within 45 days of toasting
100% Arabica coffees; with a certified score above 80 points on a scale of 100; roasted by a professional; whose roast only develops the organic characteristics of coffee (it doesn’t taste like grass, straw, tobacco or burnt ..); whose information is accessible and transparent (such as origin, roasting date, process..).
Utensils: become a barista
"Specialty Coffee is coffee, that's all, coffee. It's just very good coffee."
— A Sargento Martinho
Machines: bring Italian art to your home
and content -
Supermarkets are flooded with coffees but the only real difference between them is in the aesthetics of the packaging. Meanwhile, these packages hide information from the customer that we think is essential in so many other products: where it comes from, who cultivated it, its variety, its freshness, its ecological footprint, etc…
Just as you are looking to know the origins your wine, your meat, your vegetables, also ask about your coffee.
change your coffee, change your life.
A Sargento Martinho is inspired by a woman who in the 1960s was part of the pioneering group of nurse parachutists, the first Portuguese military women, who flew over Africa in risky search and rescue missions.
When the war ended, the parachuting nurses were recognized as courageous in the mission and were also extremely important for the emancipation of women in Portugal. They were also ordered to return to Portugal.
If, on the one hand, A Sargento Martinho missed his country, his heart by now belonged to Africa and as happy as his comrades were, she had a burden in her chest of sadness for having to abandon what had become your land in recent years. While her comrades packed their bags and counted the hours to return to Lisbon, she contemplated the dense forest and imagined how difficult it would be to get out of there. He remembered how her parents had condemned her for becoming a military man and how she felt bad about their shame at her decision. He also remembered the friendships and strong connections he had built in Africa, which he would have to abandon and never see again as soon as he boarded the plane back home…
On the day of departure, on the way to the plane, tears streamed down his face, already missing those he left behind. The comrades hugged her and said that everything was going to be the best and as soon as she arrived in Lisbon that everything would be fine. But in a tone of contempt for those tears, one of the comrades asks him: “If you like them so much why don’t you stay?”. And what was
supposed to be a question to call it back to reality, sounded like the solution that A Sargento Martinho needed to hear. A knowing smile tore his face and shouted loudly and unexpectedly: “Stop the car!”
A Sargento Martinho had already passed over that wild coffee farm abandoned many times by helicopter when he went on rescue missions. It was a giant slope, a green hell of so many trees and where most were coffee. He felt a fresh air of hope passing over his face. I knew I had made the right decision to stay in Africa. He had taken his savings and bought that extensive mountain.
Over time, a lot of dedication and with the help of many friends, that small part of the jungle was taken over and the farm was recovered. And slowly a small community was created, supported by the culture of wild coffee …